
Stay is a dynamic continuesly growing company, acting in the stage of modern marketing,  in producing and distributing of pioneer products in the market as well as offering total enterprise solutions, promotion and mainly transaction automations. 

For a series of years we were aiming to companies in tourism factory, as hotels, travel agencies, tour companies and many other. Since 2010 we have expanded our activities through producting or representing software in a variety of differnet businesses.

Products and solutions found in our pages is software installed either locally (your PC) or online transaction engines installed ion our servers.

Based in the tourism we have extended our co-operations in other sections which use online systems as appointments (medical, private lessons teachers, hair-dressers etc.), tickets (tours, theaters, footbal fields, concerts etc), room rentals (conventions, weddings, dancing, tennis-courts and much more), multi availability checking booking engines (tennis-court abd trainer, classroom with a math teacher, hotel room and rent-a-car and more)

We can provide contemporary tools to impressively increase your sales, improve your operating model and simplify the procedures of your enterprise. In the same time you will be able to offer your final consumer a better programming of his target.

Call us for any kind of information that would towards upgrading the services you provide to your clients or to automating the running of your business.



29 El. Venizelou str
811 00

Tel. :(+30) 22510 54844
Fax :(+30) 22510 54843